Good morning everybody! Today, I'm starting the New Year off by blogging every day in January on the Book of John. Thanks for checking this out. One of my hopes is that this will help you dive into the Gospel for a few minutes every day, so I will try to keep it short and sweet.
Today, God impressed on me the idea of Christ as the Word. Simply put, Jesus lived out God's message of forgiveness, love and God's glory that He WAS the message. His life perfectly displayed who God is and what He is about that all you had to do was spend time with Jesus and you have spent time with God. Because Jesus WAS God and IS God (v1-3).
I am challenged by this fact because my life doesn't always look like a perfect example of God's will wrapped up in a person. It challenges me, and hopefully you, to do a better job of living out God's message of His love for humanity.
Another cool thought that I encountered today was that once we enter into a relationship with Christ, we become God's children. He changes the course of our lives so much that we are adopted into His family. He changed Peter's life so much that He gave him a new name - "Peter" which means "rock". Kinda cool right? Peter is no longer just some fishermen guy, he now has a new identity and a purpose in life. So do we!
Cool Fact:
Names given to Jesus just in chapter 1: Word (v1), God (v1), Creator (V3),Light (v7), only begotten God (v18)Lamb of God (v29, 36), Messiah (v41), King of Israel (v49) and Son of Man (v51)
Yeag it was a kool chapter(: